Saturday, December 21, 2013

After a long break....

After a long break, i finally had a chance to get a bit more work done on R2.  During this time i focused mainly on the leg assembly.  I started out by taking the blueprints provided through the Astromech R2D2 Builders Club and printed them off on 2 banner sized posters at my local office max.  Carefully measuring each dimension i was able to get the two pieces to line up perfectly!  Once i had this done i used carbon copy paper to transfer the blueprints onto some poster board and later on to a piece of 1/4th " birch plywood to use as a template later on.  Due to having a bit of a time constraint when i got my birch wood after going to multiple Home Depots and Lowes' to find decent pieces of wood... i only had time to cut each piece down to size for easy transport.  While building the legs i plan to follow the process laid out by Victor Franco.
